Bedroom Update: Here’s how I made my sleeping area cozy!

Bedroom Update – Furnishing is my great passion! Even as a teenager, I drove my family crazy with various furniture move-backs. Their looks spoke volumes when they opened the door to my kingdom. They could never be sure what was hiding behind it. My family must have felt like those blind-date couples on Rudi Carrell every time he loudly announced “here’s your sweetheart” and that infamous sliding wall opened very slowly.

Very carefully and partly with narrowed eyes they looked around the corner. In my case, the family opened the door millimeter by millimeter, hoping that nothing had changed. Most of the time they were lucky and everything was the same. In rare cases, their breath would catch when I had once again turned my room completely upside down.

Often there were exclamations like “hmmm” and sometimes “ahhh” in response to my decorating passion. One question always arose: how did this little girl manage to move the heavy pieces of furniture? I answer then as I do now: where there’s a will, there’s a way. With a few deft moves and laws of physics, even large cabinets become lightweights!

Some hobbies are lost as we grow older and some remain for a lifetime. For example, I tried my hand at skateboarding while growing up. Much to the chagrin of my grandma, who just threw her hands up in horror at all the scrapes I got. Also for her sake, I hung this risky hobby on the nail and probably also because I was absolutely talentless. Just like collecting stickers in countless albums, drawing fashion collections, collecting stones – come to think of it, I collected a lot.

One passion that remains with me to this day is decorating. I love making rooms cozy and making them feel like home. During the last few years I have moved a few times and in the process my interior design style has also changed. I used to live mainly in a clean style, but today warm wood tones have made it into my home. And also in my current apartment is a cozy mix of bohemian chic moved in.

This is how I made my bedroom cozy

One room that I haven’t really shown you yet is my bedroom. What you’ve already seen is the wall color I brushed on the wall very quickly last fall. Because I love small subtle splashes of color in the apartment. Also my picture wall in the bedroom you could already admire here. And today, I would like to finally give you a comprehensive insight into my little sleeping kingdom – welcome to my bedroom!

The bed in the bedroom: a place of comfort and relaxation

The centerpiece of my bedroom is the bed. I considered upgrading to a new bed for a long time, but then stayed with my bed for several reasons. On the one hand because it offers an incredible amount of storage space and on the other hand because it is perfect for cat owners. Because the bed surround is made of wood and therefore indestructible for my animal roommates.

For me, the bed is a place where I want to feel especially comfortable and which should radiate a certain coziness. In my plan, I relied on a bedspread in a light beige tone and pillows in a coral tone – with this color combination, I’m also already getting in the mood a bit for the upcoming spring.

Storage furniture and accessories for the bed surround in the bedroom.

To the left and right of the bed, I decided to use two white nightstands – one is open design, the other closed with lots of storage space. On both of them some decorative elements find their place, which make my sleeping area even more homely. Among other things, the pictures that have found their place above my bed also help with this.

I am a little bookworm and since I prefer to read in the evening before falling asleep, as I have already revealed to you in this post, it is obvious to integrate my bookshelf in the bedroom. The large open shelf, fits charmingly into my bedroom and offers plenty of space for my book collection.

My small workspace in the bedroom

Across from my sleeping area, my small workspace has taken up residence. Since I work in an external office, this small area is enough for me to work from here for a few hours a week. As a desk, I have converted my former dressing table, since my old desk is much too large to be able to use it in this place. This now lives as a dining table in my living area – where it just fits perfectly. Next to my desk, I also have a small container where I store various office supplies, as well as some makeup utensils. I’m a big fan of clean living and like to have my odds and ends tucked away, preferably invisible in drawers and cabinets.

Above my desk I have a small picture wall with sayings. They motivate me and give me power. This is especially helpful on days when motivation has boarded the bus without me and I wait in vain for its return. A little inspirational kick in the butt is the perfect solution. Usually helps, but unfortunately not always.

Mirror and dresser: the perfect addition to the sleeping area.

The large mirror next to my desk, moved in with me in the last few months before my move. I love this model, especially because you can super lean it against the wall. It gives the room a certain depth, makes it bigger and cozier.

Next to it, a small dresser has found its place, which I pimped with golden handles. On it stands my mother’s nourishing basket that I have loved as a child about everything. In my family there was always a lot of feeding, knitting and crocheting – that’s exactly why it’s a beautiful reminder of days gone by.

On the floor a small carpet has found its place, which I would like to replace in the coming months. For this I am still looking for a suitable replacement, but have not yet found the right model. At the windows I have white translucent curtains attached, which I have completed with heavy gray Cover curtain.

In the sleeping area, curtains just work wonderfully to make the room cozier, and are a clear must for me to be able to sleep comfortably.

How do you like my bedroom? What is especially important to you to make a room cozy? Feel free to tell me in the comments! I look forward to your feedback!

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