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Children’s room for a baby – how to furnish it practically and tastefully

Children’s room for a baby the kingdom is ready. The baby will not fully appreciate it, but his parents will definitely enjoy decorating this room. You’ve painted the walls the perfect shade, picked out a crib, and bought all the essentials for a newborn. But where with them? In order for the children’s room for the baby not only to look good but also to be well organized, it is enough to furnish it functionally. Small things for clothes belong in the cupboards, the drugstore on the shelf, and a changing table would also be useful. We will give you tips on how to practically and aesthetically furnish a room for the most important people in the world – your children.

Things you mustn’t forget before the baby arrives

It is good to prepare for the baby’s arrival in advance. Ideally, roughly a month before the due date, you have prepared all the necessary things for the newborn and the new mother, as well as a furnished children’s room. Make a list of the things you absolutely need and can’t do without. Then write a lower priority list of things with a question mark that you’re not sure you’ll need. You will solve the rest as the situation with the baby develops. You will learn how to arrange a nursery for a newborn later in this article.

We have prepared for you a list of useful things that you should have ready for your baby. You can easily download this list to your computer, print it and put it somewhere where you can easily see it.

10 useful tips on how to furnish a nursery room for a newborn

How to choose the right baby bed

Every nursery for a baby has one thing in common. There is a cot in it. There are already ones to choose from that grow together with your child up to preschool age. They are made of different materials and the mattress inside is also adjustable. Many can even be adjusted to the height of your double bed in the bedroom, should you consider keeping your newborn close to you during the night. If you are traveling, don’t forget the travel cot.

Changing table

This practical helper can to some extent be replaced by a classic chest of drawers, which is wide enough to place a changing table on it. It is good if it is open on one side for storing diapers, handkerchiefs or other hygienic needs for a newborn. You can later use the chest of drawers as a wardrobe or for underwear or socks when the toddler is older. In this way, you will have furniture that you will not need to get rid of later.

Colors for a children’s room: what colors are suitable for a baby’s room?

A children’s room for a baby should play with positive colors. Red has a very energizing effect on the psyche, and green has a calming effect, which is proven by many studies. Do not be afraid of the combination of pastel colors. Treat the room to a different color on each wall, you will support your child’s creativity. The rest of the room can then also have neutral colors, which applies especially to the furniture. And when you and the child get tired of the color, you simply rub it with another one.

Useful furniture

When furnishing a baby’s room, functional pieces of furniture that double the storage space or expand and grow with your child. A window seat with a deep bottom or a dresser that doubles as a changing table can add much-needed storage space to a child’s room. This will save you space and at the same time, you will have a functional piece that will grow with your little one.

The best for the comfort of the parent

One of the proven practical helpers for new parents is a rocking chair. It is ideal when you place it near the baby’s bed. This will help you especially if the child falls asleep in your arms and you want to transfer him to the crib without waking him up. The shelf near the changing table makes it easier to reach the diaper or baby blanket when you have contact with the newborn with only one hand. The practical placement of furniture, shelves and storage spaces means that the entire room is also organized.

A room for a newborn – inspirations on how to furnish it in the most stylish and at the same time practical way

The combination of style and practicality is suitable for all household members. You don’t need to buy a lot of things in advance, you just need the basics. You can also buy some additionally when you find out what kind of personality your child has. You may find that you need a swing, the changing table may not be usable, or you may find that your child is not interested in toys at all and prefers a cotton blanket. It is also similar to the equipment of the room.

The vertical arrangement of shelves

You can use the walls in the children’s room not only for decorations in the form of stickers of fairy-tale creatures. Tall bookcases offer great organizational space from floor to ceiling. The shelves have storage space above the chest of drawers and a changing table. If you are looking for more space to store children’s things, put them above head level. Vertical shelves have the advantage that the things on them are safely out of the toddler’s reach.

Keep the drawers in order

Because children’s clothes and accessories are small, it’s easy to make a mess of them, especially when they’re in drawers. Use organizers or small baskets in drawers to organize small clothes. Separate baskets for socks, underwear and shoes make it easier to find what you need. Always keep only clothes in your drawers that are currently appropriate for the season and age. With the help of shelves in cabinets and storage baskets, you will always have your clothes clearly organized.

Use the library

Bookcases or other tall shelving systems facilitate the organization in the room. While your child is an infant, use the shelves in the library. As the child gradually grows, you can put books and toys on the lower shelves, while the higher shelves can safely store other items out of his reach. Stylish storage boxes and decorative baskets will keep things organized and look nice.

Laundry bags

Instead of tossing the child’s dirty laundry into a large bin, hang a few mesh bags on hooks or on the back of the door. Also, use pockets for small items such as socks and small tights or Velcro items such as bibs or wraps. When you are going to wash, just put the whole mesh bag in the washing machine. You will save time sorting laundry before washing, as well as destroying sensitive items with Velcro from bibs.

Don’t ignore the corners

When arranging furniture and placing shelves in the room, you can forget about corners. Cabinets and bookcases can add extra storage space, while corner shelves add unexpected style to small spaces. And speaking of corners and edges, don’t forget to round them. They are a dangerous trap, especially for toddlers who are curiously exploring the world around them. Sometimes literally with your own head, sometimes on your own.

A children’s room for a baby is the dream of every future parent. It should radiate harmony and a little something mysterious, like when you enter a fairy tale. Treat yourself and your child to this irreplaceable feeling.

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