Feng shui spálňa: 6 praktických tipov

Feng shui bedroom: 5 practical tips

Feng shui bedroom should be an oasis of peace. In order to really relax and feel comfortable in it, we will advise you on how to arrange a bedroom according to feng shui. In this feng shui philosophy, the bedroom is the most important room in the house. It is the room in which you spend the most time and is therefore the most personal to you. In addition, you spend many hours sleeping in this room. Therefore, you should take into account the arrangement of the bedroom according to feng shui, as well as other aspects that will help you achieve perfect harmony.

What is feng shui?

Feng shui philosophy comes from China and literally means wind and water. It is a traditional Chinese concept that connects man with his environment. Its aim is to ensure that we live in harmony with our surroundings. Therefore, it also applies to our home.

5 elements of feng shui

If you do not know how to arrange a bedroom according to feng shui, we recommend taking into account the basic principles of this philosophy. Feng shui divides the world into five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. If you have a bedroom that seems unbalanced in some way, try incorporating the aforementioned elements. Each of these elements evokes a different mood and creates a space that is beneficial to your personality and goals. Each of the elements refers not only to the material but also to the type of energy that is associated with certain properties.

Feng shui philosophy comes from China and literally means wind and water. Its goal is to ensure that we live in harmony with our surroundings.

Feng shui colors in the bedroom

Feng shui philosophy claims that people and space often have an energy imbalance when one element is particularly weak or, on the contrary, very dominant. If you find that your feng shui bedroom needs a change, you can bring features into it using colors. Each element is associated with specific colors that can be applied to the feng shui bedroom furnishings to bring more of the qualities of the missing element into your life.

Practical advice on feng shui colors for the bedroom

If you want to complement the feng shui colors in the bedroom, a few tips will help you. Add earth tones such as yellow, orange or brown to complement the earth element. There are many ways to achieve this, depending on decoration and style preferences. For example, this could be in the form of a brown rug to ground your space or other natural shades.

To activate the properties of metal with feng shui color in the bedroom, incorporate white, gray and metallic interior colors. White or light gray walls are a great way to decorate a bedroom according to feng shui. Such walls are also a great neutral background for artwork and other home decorations, bringing a metallic element to the room.

The next step in how to decorate a bedroom according to feng shui is to apply a color that corresponds to the element of water. The colors of water elements are black color and midnight blue color. Although these dark shades can be shocking in some spaces, they can stand out, for example, as a striking wall. Apply bold feng shui colors in the bedroom in a smaller way, such as on pillows, artwork or as picture frames.

The element of wood is associated with green, blue and teal. The green color is a perfect idea as a colored wall or curtains. Another great way to incorporate this wood element is to use healthy green plants. However, find out which indoor plants are suitable and safe for healthy sleep.

A feng shui bedroom should harmonize with all objects, even with the help of elements. Fire represents passion. If you want to add fire with color, use red and fiery orange. If these colors suit you, you can be inspired by, for example, a distinctive red chair or a runner by the bed.

Bedroom according to feng shui – The most important rules

According to feng shui, the bedroom does not have many rules, but it has a few fundamental ones. We will be happy to guide you through some of them.

How to place a bed in a bedroom

In feng shui, place the bed using the principle of commanding position. The goal is for your bed to be positioned so that you can see the bedroom door while lying in bed. It is not recommended to be parallel to the door. A good rule of thumb is to place the bed diagonally from the door.

Feng shui bedside tables in the bedroom

Aesthetically, the room looks more balanced when there are two bedside tables. Intentionally placing a second nightstand does increase the conscious intention of creating a special space for love and intimacy, but this practice is more spiritual than scientifically based. Therefore, if you want to have only one bedside table, do not forcibly put the other one in the bedroom.

Feng shui lighting in the bedroom

Make sure that natural light flows into your bedroom during the day to purify and revitalize your energy. The best lighting for the bedroom is actually natural candles. Not only do they add a warm tone and bring an element of fire to your bedroom, but they also purify the energy in your bedroom. If you choose bedroom lighting in the form of bedside lamps, choose the so-called soft light and avoid harsh lighting from above and ceiling lights, unless there is a dimmer on your light controller.

Bedroom furniture according to feng shui – 5 inspirations

  1. Simple bedside tables

    The bedroom should be in harmony. And although it is not strictly stated anywhere what exactly harmony means, it can also be a balanced space without unnecessary decorations. Table lamps next to the bed in a pair will definitely not fill the space, they will only complement it.

  2. Mirrors on the wall

    Wall decorations such as mirrors reflect and multiply the bedroom furniture and decorative accessories. Mirrors thus become good additions to the feng shui bedroom if they are placed correctly. People while sleeping and even bed frames should not be reflected in the mirror.

  3. Paintings for the bedroom

    Colorful paintings and wall decorations enhance feng shui in the bedroom. Landscapes in natural colors are ideal additions to the bedroom, which will brighten the walls and connect bedroom patterns with nature. Green color induces peace and calms the mind. Pictures for the bedroom above the bed are a classic, but ideal feng shui addition.

  4. King size bed

    Good sleep is essential. The placement of the bed is important to avoid the influx of negative energy. The bed should not be under the window and you should be able to see the bedroom door and the furniture in the room from the bed.

  5. Order in the closet: all in one chest of drawers

    Get rid of the clutter. From a feng shui point of view, clutter symbolizes unfinished business and hinders further progress in life. Keep the furniture to one side and do not use the space under the bed for storage. A chest of drawers or a cabinet is intended for this.

Feng shui bedroom and decorations

As we mentioned above, the decorations for the apartment should be in harmony with the individual elements. In general, less is more. If you are not sure about some decorations, it is better to leave them out. Place cushions, diffusers, candles, pictures, or mirrors and decorations on the wall in accordance with the elements and materials.

What should be avoided in the feng shui bedroom?

You may face several challenges while decorating your bedroom. Learn what to avoid in feng shui to achieve much-needed balance and comfort in your bedroom.

  • Never put a TV in the bedroom
  • Avoid electronic devices and turn off WiFi at night
  • Don’t make your bedroom a study
  • Water the flowers, don’t let them dry out
  • Avoid mismatched patterns and materials
  • Remove excess photos and memorabilia
  • Do not put exercise equipment in the bedroom
  • Pull back the curtains and let the daylight enter the room

Feng shui will give your bedroom harmony and, ultimately, many new elements. Thanks to this approach, you will discover how the bedroom can become not only a place for healthy sleep but also an oasis of peace and relaxation with a book or moments of meditation.

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