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How to furnish a children’s room stylishly and practically

Many parents ask the question, how to furnish a children’s room so that it fulfills not only its purpose, it harmonizes with the rest of the interior and provides a unique space for children to play and relax. The dream children’s room for the little ones is functional, but also cozy and full of mysteries. In it, your children will feel like they are in a small kingdom with fairy-tale creatures. On the contrary, parents will always find everything they need in it and at the same time get the feeling that they have entered a different, miraculous world. We offer you ideas for the children’s room in case you have already completely exhausted the source of ideas for miracles.

Tips for furnishing a children’s room – what should be taken into account when furnishing it

Although you have done well with the rest of the home, you will probably find that the design of the children’s room is a completely different matter. While this should be some kind of fun project for any parent, you may run into some pitfalls. We will be happy to help you with them.

How to arrange a children’s room according to age

Customized children’s rooms furnished according to your child’s personality and interests will guarantee him the best place for development and growth. Every age demands its own. It’s one thing to figure out how to furnish a nursery for a toddler and another for a teenage teenager.

After all, a beautiful and functional room that your child will love from birth to almost adulthood is quite a challenge. We recommend furnishing it with universal functional furniture that will serve for several years until the child has his own ideas and strong opinions.

If you are looking for inspiration on children’s room furniture for your baby, girl or boy, check out these articles:

  • Children’s room for a baby – how to furnish it practically and tastefully
  • What should a children’s room look like for a boy?
  • Children’s room for girls – creative and charming ideas

How to furnish a small children’s room

There is never enough space in a children’s room. Especially if the children’s room does not have as many square meters as you would need. Every centimeter must be considered here. Use the space above your head, install vertical shelves up to the ceiling and use the storage space under the bed. Sort toys regularly and possibly buy ones that the child will play with for a longer period of time. Create a room storage space for toys and store them in clear boxes, marked with labels and hide and take them out from time to time.

How to arrange a children’s room according to feng shui

If you follow the ancient Chinese art of feng shui, which brings harmony, health and happiness into your home, don’t skip the children’s room. Take into account the location of the room and the furniture according to the cardinal points, ensure enough light and fresh air and allow the space to come alive thanks to suitable green plants. De-clutter and try to bring at least one piece of each element – ​​metal, wood, water, earth, fire – into the room in any shape or form.

4 useful tips on how to furnish a children’s room

When planning the equipment of a children’s room, several questions and new topics arise that you did not have to deal with in the other rooms of your house or apartment. We will help you orient yourself in them.

How to choose the right furniture

The first measure, then cut. The area of ​​the room is a decisive factor in choosing the right furniture. Try to choose a library not only according to the current age. Think about the fact that in a few years it will perhaps be used for compulsory school literature or for storing textbooks, not just toys. Instead of an F1-shaped bed, choose a growing bed that can be extended up to preschool age.

The most suitable colors for a children’s room

Any colors that should be too energizing for the child’s psyche do not belong in the children’s room. If you have a smaller child and you need to create a calmer atmosphere for him, choose softer pastel shades for the walls. If you would like to motivate the child to learn, paint one wall with a bolder color, for example, red.

Accessories for the children’s room that your children will love

A chalkboard will delight a child of any age. You can also stick the furniture in the children’s room with adhesive chalk paper. Children love to draw on walls and furniture, so why not give them the freedom to do so? The walls in the children’s room don’t have to be empty. Stick paper on the empty side of the wardrobe wall, put chalk in the children’s hands, and let them paint happily!

What gadget should not be missing in a children’s room?

We all want to hide from the world sometimes. Make a cozy corner for the children, where they can read or play in secret, hidden from the eyes of adults. A private corner is an excellent place for every child. If you build a nice light inside, you will also give it a nighttime atmosphere. Maybe he will invite you for a rare visit sometime.

The most frequent questions when furnishing a children’s room

When furnishing and planning a children’s room, several frequent questions arise that parents should be able to answer or be prepared for, that these questions will arise.

  • What if a sibling is added to one child over time?
  • Will the children want to be in one common room or will they need two separate ones?
  • What if the child does not like the new room?
  • Will the child feel comfortable in his room?
  • Where do all the toys fit?
  • Does the child need a separate wardrobe wall or will his things be stored among the others in the apartment?
  • Wallpaper or wallpaper?
  • Which door to choose – wood or glass?

Inspirations for furnishing a children’s room – children’s rooms like from a fairy tale

Children see the world differently than adults and bring their imagination and lines into everyday life. In order to give them the feeling of a fairytale kingdom, we have some simple but miraculous tips that will allow them to experience this feeling in their own room.

Treat the kids to fairy lights

The stars on the ceiling just before falling asleep give the room a fairy-tale character and a whole galaxy of adventures. So just go for it! Add a dash of something glamorous. Thanks to the twinkling fairy lights, colorful flags from the circus and the adorable motif of stars or fairy-tale characters, your child’s room will shine like a magical place.

Play with colors

Children love to color and variety, but choosing the right one can be a difficult process. Maybe your two-year-old girl may love all things pink right now, but that doesn’t mean she won’t. If you’re already venturing into bold and trendy colors, choose more neutral furniture. If your little boy is interested in cars, wallpaper one wall for him and in a few years you will playfully change it to a wall with superheroes.

A bed for princesses

How to furnish a children’s room so that you don’t have to redo it completely in a few years? Make compromises with the children. Buy furniture, chairs, a table as you grow, and a children’s bed. Leave the rest to the child’s choice. If the little princess wants a canopy over her bed, feel free to give her one. Buy bed sheets with the motif of cars, rockets or dinosaurs for your little junior. It is much easier to change accessories and decorations than to furnish a child’s room from scratch.

A children’s room is a place where children should feel comfortable, like in a little kingdom. However, this does not mean that all toys, books and puzzles should live their life in the form of a mess. If everything is stored in the right place, the children’s room will be a relaxation zone not only for children but also for parents.

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